Been really busy for some events and traveling~
Updating about the trip very soon but later yah~ (^^;;
Anyway, I'm all free from my busy-ness now that I'm too obsess with Playfish "Restaurant City" from facebook that ended me up ruining my daily schedule and sleeps~! (><) I've just started "Playfish" lately with Pet Society followed by Word Challenge and now I am deeply addicted to Restaurant City~.. (><)
My first layout~
Poor status for a start (><) can't even buy the same table as given from the start for a nicer interior... ><
Max is 50, so the higher points you get, your "GP"= Gourmet Points will increase faster for your upgrading level~(^0^)b
Now, here are mine...(^^;
I have no money to build walls still...
And I'm a resident of Restaurant City~!!! I'm good in this culture Only IN THIS CITY~!
At least I make them facing the other side....haha(^0^;;

Playing this game, of coz earning money is one of the task~
You earn money through your business, shake the trees and look for dropping coins, sell your items and "Collect Rubbish~" (^0^)/
And i'm just lucky to have...
...a dirty neighbour staying nearby so that I can go collect her/his rubbish to gain some sub-income~!! haha
I even gained a Rubbish Talker Award ~all thanks to this house~!! (^-^)
See, people starts to add and ask to add~
A community started just to add among Residents of RC~!!!
I did one for me too~(^0^;

And therefore I got all these adds in just minutes~
Group them in a group which is just for RC so that you don't get confuse with all your real FB's friends~
Been really busy for some events and traveling~
Updating about the trip very soon but later yah~ (^^;;
Anyway, I'm all free from my busy-ness now that I'm too obsess with Playfish "Restaurant City" from facebook that ended me up ruining my daily schedule and sleeps~! (><) I've just started "Playfish" lately with Pet Society followed by Word Challenge and now I am deeply addicted to Restaurant City~.. (><)
Intros of my Restaurant City~~~~~~~~ ♥ (^3^)~ ♥
Poor status for a start (><) can't even buy the same table as given from the start for a nicer interior... ><
Layout must be appropriate to get "Popularity" points~
In all researches, puting your tables around the cookers is the best way , less walk for the waiter, and less time for the customer to wait~
Becareful not to put too many chairs or tables when you still do not have more staffs or else, all you'll just get is a "thumb down" from your customers~ (^^;
Becareful not to put too many chairs or tables when you still do not have more staffs or else, all you'll just get is a "thumb down" from your customers~ (^^;
Here is one thing that you'll surprised to see when you visit other people restaurant around town...
So funny when i first see this !!!
Impossible in real life but hmmmm..quite cute~!haha
Here are some better toilets they have in town~
Impossible in real life but hmmmm..quite cute~!haha
Here are some better toilets they have in town~
I have no money to build walls still...
And I'm a resident of Restaurant City~!!! I'm good in this culture Only IN THIS CITY~!
At least I make them facing the other side....haha(^0^;;
Playing this game, of coz earning money is one of the task~
You earn money through your business, shake the trees and look for dropping coins, sell your items and "Collect Rubbish~" (^0^)/
And i'm just lucky to have...
I even gained a Rubbish Talker Award ~all thanks to this house~!! (^-^)
About the ingredients,
there are only 3 ways of getting ingredients to upgrade your menu~
*A daily free ingredient where you get it when you log in.
*By answering a daily quiz.
*Trading your ingredients with your friends~this is the most efficient way and faster to what you want! (^^)
Trade with all your friends in your own street~
But, friends are so limited~
So, Resident City's residents start to add Add ADD people from around the world~
there are only 3 ways of getting ingredients to upgrade your menu~
*A daily free ingredient where you get it when you log in.
*By answering a daily quiz.
*Trading your ingredients with your friends~this is the most efficient way and faster to what you want! (^^)
Trade with all your friends in your own street~
But, friends are so limited~
So, Resident City's residents start to add Add ADD people from around the world~
Look at this~
A community started just to add among Residents of RC~!!!
I did one for me too~(^0^;

Group them in a group which is just for RC so that you don't get confuse with all your real FB's friends~
Tips: There's a very convenient FB application to search for people to trade specific ingredients~
Just pick what you want and what you you want to give as below~
Then, a long long list of result of people who wants to trade the exactly items with you will be listed like the following~(^0^*)//

EASY~!!! Just add them for the ingredients and delete after that~!!
This is the culture of Restaurant City~!! Go for IT~!! (^O^)/
EASY~!!! Just add them for the ingredients and delete after that~!!
This is the culture of Restaurant City~!! Go for IT~!! (^O^)/